This is Google's cache of . Google's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the web. The page may have changed since that time. Click here for the current page without highlighting. Google is not affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content. These search terms have been highlighted: melt banana These terms only appear in links pointing to this page: smelly NOAB were doing a great job. At one point I thought this was going to be a flawless tour. The tour was being built fine. People were into MELT BANANA coming back to America. The biggest question was how were they doing with their health problems? Because Agata was very sick in 1995 on the Mr. Bungle tour. The doctors in Japan told him to stay home. Well that is Rock & Roll, wouldn't you say! I was in constant contact with Both Melt Banana and NOAB booking. So I knew what each of them wanted. Well NOAB wanted me to go away. But I was working for MELT BANANA and my job was to make sure they got the best possible tour that we could reach. It started to get weird when Deanna wanted MELT BANANA back in San Francisco for thanksgiving. And she was refusing to give us five shows in Michigan. Because the guy in Detroit was throwing a personality crisis fit. It just didn't seem fair. But after we got past that, things started to go real smooth again. With Bambi gone on the Zeni Geva tour things started to fall short. Deanna did not listen to my recording dates. Even though they were written out on e-mail & Fax. She ignored the fact that Rudolph was to support MELT BANANA on all the California shows. But we will touch that more on Politics verses Social ass Kissing. (end of page 14 - s2.html)